
Well, looks like I’m almost settled in! Now we’re trying to get my parents moved, which is about 10x worse than my move!!! My mother is actually a “hoarder”, but she’s a neat one. They built their house with LARGE closets all over, a full attic, and she had three storage buildings, plus she took over lots of the room in my Dad’s workshop! She had about 10 times as much “stuff” as I did, according to friends trying to help her. And she has done everything exactly opposite of the way we told her to do it! So, now we’re schlepping all that crap to the new apartment, and back to storage buildings.. I am soooooo tired of moving crap. And she’s not done. We’ve had some doozy fights, so I’ve just washed my hands of it.. It can all sit there for all I care. My house was done and sold in less than two weeks.. she’s been “moving” for two months, and isn’t done. Of course, she is 86, but in great shape, and she’s had LOTS of help show up, but she wouldn’t let them help! It’s been majorly frustrating. So.. if it sells, I guess what’s left will just go with the house…
I hope everyone is doing well. I do keep up with many on Crackbook, but it’s losing it’s “crack”. Google+ is fun, but not much to do besides watch one or two friends repost ANYTHING that their friends post. No thanks.. So, just wandering along, hoping things settle down soon. At least it finally cooled off a little! Keep in touch!

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Ok, since you want to know, Seth, I have moved! I moved into my new digs over Memorial Day weekend! I had my bro, my “brother from another mother”, his bestie, and two little marine wannabees that hang out with him.. in about two hours, they all had everything loaded up, moved into town, and into my place!! My bestie had moved a great many of the boxes and unpacked them, if she could, so it’s mostly done by this point! YEA! I hate moving. I just want to get things they way I want them and leave them there.. I never move furniture, never redecorate, nothing, unless something breaks or burns up.. I am not a shopper or decorator!!Anyway, it’s done.. now we’re working on getting my folks done! After all, this was their idea. I’d have never left my little house if they hadn’t wanted to move all of us!! Anyway, now that I’ve relaxed, I’m sick again.. not seriously, just kinda.. and healing quickly..Hope you all are doing well, too!!

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to ALL mothers! Whether you are a mother due to carrying a child inside, or taking one into your heart from the outside, it’s your day! There are many ways to become a mother.. I know. And it hurts just as much to lose one, no matter how you lose them or when. I hope you’re having a great day, and are with, or in contact with, the ones you love. I just took my mom and dad to a GREAT buffet at one of their favorite restaurants near us… Actually a friend took all of us! It was very sweet of her. And we certainly enjoyed every bite! Good food and good company.

I’ve been sick lately! I’ve been having plumbing work done, and they’ve been tearing out walls and all sorts of things! Evidently I had such an allergic reaction to what they’re doing I have what’s called “reactive bronchitis”! They gave me a BIG shot of steroids (just because I’m a nurse, doesn’t mean I like to GET needles!!), and a z pac. I feel better already. I was in yesterday, so the steroids are in full swing. People react one of two ways to steroids. Either they become mean as snakes, or they get very happy! My mom and I are the happy types!lol So, right now, my arthritis is non-irritating, and I’m happy and ALWAYS hungry.. I wish steroids weren’t so dangerous! I’d be dealing on the street for them if I had to!!LOL

Well, my other news is.. I’m moving! Unfortunately… I hate change and moving, but we can’t keep up with our homes out here, anymore.  Especially Mom and Dad. Dad has really gone downhill since all his surgeries, and Mom can’t do it all, so they got an apartment at a Retirement village in Owasso, near their oldest granddaughter. I can’t do it out here alone, so I’m getting an apartment in Grove. I’ve picked a retirement place, too! Mine doesn’t have any step up care, like theirs does, and it doesn’t do meals like theirs does. I don’t want that stuff, yet!!lol It’s just, basically, an apartment, with a little more security, and amenities that make my life easier, since it’s getting to where I can’t walk at all.. So… that’s my biggest news! I’ll still be on the computer, just a few miles away! I hope everyone is having a great day!

Posted in Life or something like it!, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Well, here we are.

Well. Here we are, finally, for good… maybe. I can’t believe after all this time, that WLS is closing for good. It was so good, in it’s day, it started millions of people blogging that never would have if it’d been harder. It was just so easy, you just HAD to start one! And I never would have met some of the best people I know. I’m sending my stuff to blogspot, too, just in case, but I guess I’ll be here for the duration! I’ve changed stuff around, and plumped up the pillows on the couch, I’ll start posting again, so come on by!

Posted in Life or something like it!, Uncategorized | 9 Comments

Honey, I’m Hooooo-mmmme!

Well. I have just been busier than a one-armed paper hanger lately.. We have been twirling at a fever pitch around the lake. My niece, M, has graduated high school, selfishly also turning 18 the same week, so there were TWO milestones to celebrate. My bro and his wife were here, so we got a good visit, then they took M to Peru for a couple of weeks, to visit Macchu Pichu, Cuzco, Lima, etc.. My SIL is from there, so they will stay with family, part of the time at their beach house.. must be They’re having a great time.. Here are a couple of pics of her at her prom, and her senior pic.. Not that I’m proud, or anything…

And, in other news, we had the big yearly Auxiliary Barbeque today! We had it at our local horse ranch, in the arena.. we had pony rides for the kids, (and one adult) live music, boneless ribs, chicken and sausage, cole slaw, potato salad, baked beans, your choice of almost any kind of desserts, door prize drawings, a bake sale, with those cinnamon rolls we had last fall.. remember those, Maria and Kelly??LOL We had a blast. We didn’t have quite the turnout we wanted, but it was a success, and the pony rides were quite popular!

But, now I’m dead tired!! So, I think I’ll go and save more rambling thoughts for another post.. You all be good, and get to blogging! Don’t be a slacker like I’ve been!

Posted in Life or something like it! | 60 Comments

Spring Swap!!

Well, hello again!! Sorry I’m late for our swap reveal! I’ve been sick, then busy, and then having photo challenges!! I was Shannon’s "giftee" this time, and am I glad! She is so clever. I got a HUGE box, filled with gifts and peanuts which my cats have truly enjoyed. Inside were 4 lovely gifts, wrapped in my favorite color… PURPLE! Plus a wonderful pack of Violet candies, and a beautiful note card! YUM.

Then, opening them!! There was a lovely journal, perfect for blog ideas, or a great prayer journal, some note cards and a notepad, all with a great design. There was also a great dish with a blackboard center and a piece of chalk! And I got a Joy Jar!!!! Yea! The greatest joy thoughts on pieces of paper..when you need a dose of joy, you just open one up! And it’s a pin cushion on the lid.. How handy is that?? Then there was an adorable apron to wear while I cook! I needed one, too.. It’s a beautiful bright floral pattern. THEN, there is a bath set of wonderful shower gel, lotion, and a great scrunchii for them. All things to pamper myself and improve myself!! What a wonderful gift box! And the candy tastes just like lavender smells. I’ll get a pic up as soon as I resolve the weird problem I’m having with downloading..

This was so much fun! Thank you so much Shannon! You’re such a creative person! I love these swaps!

Posted in Life or something like it! | 19 Comments

Ok, Ok!! Computer Surroundings Week!

OK, Kat!! Well, I’m finally back.. I’ve just not been myself lately.. don’t know who I’ve been, but they’re not bloggers, whoever it is! I must have spring fever! The Thinker Been overthinking everything, and find myself just sitting and staring! It’s beautiful today.. 65, sunny, gorgeous. We’ve had everything from 70’s down to 30’s, sunshine to sleet and snow in the last week!! And every time a new weather front goes through, I can tell it before the weather changes!!

Well, Katsoup tells us it’s the week to post where we compute! So, I didn’t clean mine up as much as some people did.. Maid but, it has everything I need close at hand!!lol

Maybe too much "close at hand"? LOL Unfortunately, I also have cats that knock everything around whenever I move away from the desk! It was my grandmother’s desk, so it’s a little small, but I love it.

So, there it is.. now go take pictures of where you blog and post them!!

Posted in silly stuff | 32 Comments


Sorry I’ve been sooooo absent lately! I’ve just been very, VERY busy! My bff has been off on vacation days, and seems to think I should spend more time with her when she’s home all week!! She’s about to kill me! We also had an Auxiliary meeting last week. Very weird stuff going on there! And I will be on the board for ANOTHER YEAR!!! Just shoot me now! Anyhoodle… my bff and I decided to make some Chinese food.. we used to do this fairly frequently.. it’s somewhat hard, and time consuming.. but absolutely wonderful. So, we made our menu, bought our stuff, and Saturday I went to town to chop and slice, and spend the night so we could start early Sunday to feed 6 or 8 people.. It was a wild time, folks.. but we finally prevailed. Then, we did it again today!!! We’re nothing if not psychotic! But, I must say, we are the queens of Chinese food. You won’t get food that good in the buffet line.. and you’ll never find egg rolls that good!! We made: egg rolls(40), crab rangoon(100), sweet and sour shrimp, beef and vegetables in oyster sauce, fried rice, steamed rice, and banana pudding for dessert. Every bite was homemade, chopped, sliced, etc from scratch.. not a pre-prepared bite in the bunch!! J thinks it was harder than I do.. I think the main thing was just not having done it for a while, it was hard to get organized. It was much easier today.. but, umm umm good! And this weekend is our Soup and Chili Luncheon with the Auxiliary!! Next week I’m collapsing, as I so richly deserve to!!lol So, sorry I haven’t been around for a while.. I’ll be back!!

Posted in Life or something like it! | 14 Comments


I got this from Manda.. It’s really fun! Some of them come out pretty amazing! Go try it and post it! This is mine. 
1 – Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random”or click first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 – Go to "Random quotations"or click last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
 3 – Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”or click picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
 4 – Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.
5 – Post it so we can see what you got!
Posted in silly stuff | 10 Comments

Valentine’s Day Swap!

Well, I got my Valentine’s Swap today from Nora, a new "swapper", and it is FABULOUS!! She couldn’t have picked anything better for me! It’s a beautiful cookbook, from the Symphony Guild near her.. It is all Southwestern food (Mexican and tex-mex)(YUM), and even has art in it! They have quite a few artists that allowed them to copy an original oil painting and place them at intervals in the book! They’re  wonderful.. I can tell what I’m going to be doing for a while! Cooking out of this book!!
  For just looking through my blog, Nora sure nailed me!! Thank you sooooo much!! This is wonderful!!
For those of you wondering, my Dad is doing great! He’s still getting physical therapy, and the nurses are drawing labs and teaching him, and watching him. His doc is very pleased with the way things are going.. Thank you all for all the prayers and good thoughts sent to him!!
Posted in Life or something like it! | 9 Comments